Portraits oil on canvas. Portrait painter Yakov Dedyk

Commission portrait oil on a canvas from a nature and on a photo. Portraits oil on a site of portraits painter Yakov Dedyk.

 home portrait on a canvas portraits dry brush graphic art pastel, pencil, watercolor picturesque pictures to order

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Color portrait in technique " a dry brush "

Black-and-white a portrait in technique" a dry brush "

Portrait oil on a canvas

In the mixed technique a water color, a pastel, a pencil, coal

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oil painting to order artist oil paint collectibles portraits oil on canvas graphics professional artist oil painting Portrait, canvas, oil paint, painting, artistic. a portrait oil paints on a canvas, a dry brush, a pencil, coal, a pastel, an art photo, three-dimensional pictures, copies of pictures, picturesque lists of walls and ceilings, a water color, restoration from old photos, cartoons, compositions, design and registration of an interior. a portrait to order


Portrait oil on a canvas - my favourite picturesque genre. On this page in technique of oil painting portraits in the open air, family, group, wedding and classical productions are submitted. And if you have decided to embody in paints on a canvas of someone from relatives to you people the portrait oil will be a fine gift. The technique of painting by oil paints exists already more than 500 years and already enough for a long time began for artists of a portrait genre the basic. For this long term there were many receptions, materials, directions, however the principle and a basis are constant. Painting by oil allows, long term to work above a picture, making amendments and changes. To order a portrait oil on a canvas from a nature or on a photo you can, having called me on ph. Moscow, region: 8-962-189-15-98, or having sent the letter on E-mail: yakovdedyk@yandex.ru.

 Portraits Oil On Canvas   Artist Oil Paint Collectibles   Portrait of the woman oil on a canvas

"Portrait of wife Olga" 2007 a canvas, oil                                "Yaromirka". kid portrait. 2009.                                Portrait of the woman oil on a canvas. 2006

Oil Painting To Order       портрет на заказ маслом на холсте  

" The Viennese dancing party ". 2010.                                     " The Portrait with a hand ". 2010.

   Portrait oil on a canvas to order        Portrait on a canvas

                                         The girl on a bench. A canvas, oil. 2010                                                                      Portrait oil. 2010.

    Portrait Oil Painting To Order        Portrait oil.

Man's portrait with hands in an interior. A canvas, oil. 2009                                                    "Bride". A portrait oil on a canvas of .2005     

    Pair portrait from photos oil on a canvas       Female portrait

portrait on a photo oil on a canvas. 2008.                                              " Portrait of the woman ". 2010

kids portrait        Portrait oil on a canvas to order   

          Children's double portrait. A canvas \ oil. 2007.                                                     Portrait on a canvas. 2010  


portrait oil paintings       


    > Portraits on a canvas the next page

Painting by oil. Painting by oil paints is, for today, irreplaceable means of expression in art of portrait painting. Portraits executed by artists from photos can be allocated in a separate genre instead of be considered as alternative to portraits written with a nature. Application of other techniques does not give high-grade effect with which the oil paint provides. Modern technologies (graphic editors) only simulate techniques of painting by oil or other classical picturesque both graphic receptions and technologies. They can be the good assistant to the artist in work, but not means of duplicating of the retouched photos.
On this page my author's works (portraits by oil on a canvas from a nature and photos) are submitted. In detail about my pictures you can learn, having looked an album " Yakov Dedyk. Portrait painting and
drawing ". At the publication on other resources, the link to a site http://yakovdedyk.narod.ru/ is obligatory.
The information on this page is initial. Any recurrence on other resources can be considered only as plagiarism.

Portraits, pictures and compositions on genre subjects.

Portraits of women :: the Man's portrait :: Kids portraits :: the Group portrait :: Pictures and compositions :: Graphic arts  :: Naked nature :: Cartoons

  On a site of modern artist - portraitist Yakov Dedyk we can order a portrait from a nature and on a photo order a portrait oil on a canvas, a portrait a pencil, coal, a portrait from photos a dry brush. To order a picture oil, to draw a portrait, portrait painting, a landscape, a naked nature, figure, a still-life. To order a portrait in technique a pastel, a water color, coal, oil paints, distemper, a dry brush, in a pencil, from a nature and on a photo in a gift for one anniversary or to birthday. Having contacted the artist by the phone or having sent the letter on E-mail, you can order author's painting and to the hand-worked diagram.

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